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Re: Interesting

Postby Jonny » Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:35 pm

in year 1939-45 they made a well supported statement against races and racism
but after that nothing really changed outside of west germany(there it changed a bit for knowen reasons)
but since it didnt change worldwide it was clear that the problem with racism will come again in some kind of way
the most known racist gouverment was "white" thats why "white" poeple(also "white" not german)
have somtime problem with pride for their "race" or social/historical group
im sure if the most kown racist gouverment were "black" they would have the problems

to be honest i think "black"/"hispanic"/whatever pride is not the right way
after all what happend in the history why should you be proud that "your race" got tortured or like that
you should remember it but not let it prevent coorparation with poeple of "other race"
most of the prejudices comes from not knowing the poeple or just knowing a few that follows that prejusdice
everything which can fail will fail
if more then one possibility exits how it can fail
it will fail in the worst possible way

murphy's law
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Re: Interesting

Postby Ivellious » Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:58 pm

everyone is racist, everyone. it's to what degree you are racist.. If you seen a black guy walking down the road and you lock your car, racist. every race, gender, nationality and so forth can and is racist. That little feeling of discomfort after seeing someone, racist, Especially here in the south.

(no offence to anyone)

Blacks are as racist as anyone else. Destiny my girlfriend of 2.5 years is black and the first time I went down to Texas to meet her, she had me come down on her family reunion. I met her entire family at once, that was extreme. The only people I was scared of meeting was her uncle and her god mother, because when I asked why she said, "oh they'll hate you, because your white." Her god mother shot a guy in his foot and when asked why she said, "because he was white, duh." When I finally met the two the uncle was cool because he didn't hate white people, he hated all people because he's country and I'm part country so we got along. Her god mother still gives me tons of flack.

when me and destiny walk into stores and what not I thought damn texas is as bad as arkansas on racism, this'll be fun. No I saw more black families look at me like I was the devil, and then I found it out. It is ok for a black man to date a white woman, but it is not ok for a white man to date a black woman.

This mindset on both side of the spectrum are utterly and ridiculously retarded. A person is that a person. Noone should be treated over something they had no control over, and no one is more at fault then the other. Whites are not the supreme overlords and not all whites now adays had families that owned slaves. My family didn't come to the states till 1900s and they were freaking irish. There are no such thing as "at fault" of stuff that happend well over a century ago. I as a white person had no control or decision that was made for stuff that happened that long ago and as such I shouldn't be punished for it. Same goes for anybody else.

The past is history, the future is a mystery but now is a gift, thats why it's called a present. (stole the quote but a good one). Racism is starting to become that of the past, yes it is still there, but as generations come out they see the ignorance in the racism and do not follow the trends. A great example is something my friends parents told me. they were getting ready to take his sister to a birthday party and when they got there they saw that everyone was white, they then went to her and asked "why didn't you tell me that she was white?" she looked at them and asked "why does that matter?" they realized at that point that new generations don't care. I come from a very redneck family and I was utterly scared out of my whims to tell the family at thanksgiving that I was dating and in love with a black girl. When I said their response was...."I'm glad you finally found someone." They didn't care, little over 2 decades ago I would of been cast out of the family because of the elder generation. Thats how they were raised. while now a days fewer and fewer people are raised to hate the other race.

I pray for a racist free nation and world, but as I know it'll always be here, then I pray that generations that come do not follow the trends of the extremes. white, black, latin, european, asian, and etc... everyone lives and everyone dies, everyone is a person and nothing more. remember everyone is racist, but lets make strides to diminish that degree you are to mere nothingness.
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