Hey, I'm Fenreil.
Quiet, unassuming, nerdy. I doubt you're unfamiliar with the type.
Why am I here? I'm not a longtime fan of the comic, quite the opposite. Came across it a few months ago, liked what I saw, and binged my way through it. Really, I was surprised to find how relatively unknown this lovely little work is, so I figured I might hang around for a bit. You know, brighten things up with my clearly incredibly cheerful demeanor.
What do I play? Well, DotA 2, mainly. Currently 'on' in my on again, off again relationship with FFXIV, and also been spending some time with Project Reality, a mod for Battlefield 2. Other than that, Dark Souls I & II, Civilization V, Town of Salem, and some other stuff is usually what I'll be playing. Currently looking forward to Tales of Zestiria, Persona 5, Squad, Heavensward, Mirror's Edge 2, and some other things I can't remember.
What are my interests? Video games, obviously. After that, Anime, Webcomics, and fantasy in general, I suppose. Used to be an avid reader, and I still love books, but I'm finding them harder to get into. Ironic, considering I'm in the middle of writing my own crappy novel.
So that's it, really. If you see a Fenreil out there in the wild somewhere, it's almost definitely me. Feel free to check out my MAL page or Steam account if you're curious for some weird reason. I'll try to post when I can, help keep things moving, you know?