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Video Game Comic and Blog

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Epoch Cake

august 27, 2011

What can I really even say about Chrono Trigger? It's easily one of the most influential games of all time for me and there isn't any aspect of it that I don't adore. I can't think of a single element to the game that I would change and considering its substantial impact I doubt I would be unbiased enough for any serious critique. Put simply, Chrono Trigger was the kind of magnum opus that provided a foundation for superior game design, forever raising the bar in the genre.

It was Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy 6 and the huge collection of amazing SNES games that forever solidified in my mind that I would be a gamer until I died. It was during this time in my life when I went full tilt – this was not some "childhood pastime" that one outgrew; this was damn near as important as breathing. It was these amazing games that drove me to do anything I could to work and save up the money necessary to buy those pricey $80 cartridges and later $125 imports.

When the N64 was released in Japan, I was fortunate enough to have an import game shop close by. I remember being in complete awe seeing Mario 64 in action and coupled with the video mockup for the next FF game, I thought...I must have this. NOW. With some experience modding my SNES to play Seiken Densetsu 3, I was willing to take the risk and bet the Japanese system could be modified to play American games. So I worked my tail off during summer break to buy the import console with Super Mario 64 for a staggering $600.

When I reflect on it, I pretty clearly remember thinking "Well, I simply can't wait a whole year for this to come out in America". That was my justification for blowing all my hard earned money, at least. Then as I sit here today writing this, a quick Wikipedia check shows the US N64 release was only 3 months behind! Ahh... the impatience of youth can really tweak your perception of time. In the end though, I think any person who had gaming impact them on that level can relate to just how deep the passion runs.

Epoch Cake

august 27, 2011