Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

Warp Zone:
Current Comic


Friendship is Tragic

april 27, 2012

I'm going to cut to the chase here. Darksiders is a great game and you need to play it, especially since the second game in the series is coming out in the near future. It doesn't quite make sense that your phantom horse Ruin can't always be relied upon when you need to get somewhere, but we're sure there is a reasonable explanation as to why certain areas are horsey-free zones.

Today marks the start of the Guild Wars 2 semi-open beta and instead of being on playing we've been working diligently on trying to finish the comic. If we were better at planning, we would have had it done well before noon so we could have goofed off all day playing in the wonderful lands of Tyria, but alas we are not. Pie and I have been highly anticipating this weekend, so the post will be left wanting of substance in favor of more precious, precious game time.

I do have a rather large Kickstarter update though that was posted this week to make up for it! Go check it out to see some of the shirt and hoodie pictures, pictures of the packaging process and even some really great backer pictures wearing their gifts! Pretty awesome stuff =D

Friendship is Tragic

april 27, 2012