Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

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Turning Heads

july 5, 2013

"Should I spend my money on food or video games?" -The eternal universal question for gamers; if you're not confronted with that question, then perhaps you're spending too much money on food? When facing a tough decision, I often present Bear with the suggestion of flipping a coin. =D

My brother and I used to flip a coin to make decisions all the time. After years of doing it, the act became a small in-joke between us. My brother now always jokingly says "Why flip? We never follow the coin anyway!" Though we didn't always follow the coin, it always felt better doing so beforehand. Only recently did I realize how good of a tool coin flipping can be whether you obey the coin or not. It's great as a self check system to find which result feels more in line with your subconscious desires. I know it might sound a bit corny and I'm not sure how it would work in a really serious life threatening situation, but you probably shouldn't be making such decisions by coin flips anyway. XD

Turning Heads

july 5, 2013