Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

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Zoo Chef

november 24, 2018

Kat and I typically have a little bit of trouble playing games cooperatively together because our styles of play are very much in contrast to one another. She's a bit eager and likes to find optimized ways through a game, deconstructing it to figure out optimal paths and tearing down the internal structures of why a game was built the way it was in order to understand and, to an extent, exploit it. It is the game designer in her, after all~ Whereas I am much more of an adventurer and I enjoy going through at a more leisurely pace in order to discover things on my own terms and to focus on maximizing my immersion. I like to take the time to focus on the mundane things and play according to how I feel at the time, but often just soaking in the journey.

So it came with a huge surprise when we found an experience the two of us could share and enjoy together. Kat and I started playing this gem of a co-op recently called Overcooked and I can't even begin to say how much I love this game ^-^ The design style, mechanics, level design and the way that it plays and feels is just perfect for me. The ramp up to figuring out how to best prepare your orders and communicate to your friends is satisfying and the levels add just the right amount of hilarity and fun without being overly frustrating. Finishing up with the game, it became incredibly satisfying to three-star all of the missions, optimizing how to prepare the orders while adjusting with some of the tricky level design. Need more reason to get this?! You can play a handi-capable racoon and that is just the best.

Zoo Chef

november 24, 2018