Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

Warp Zone:
Current Comic


The Town Crier

may 12, 2019

So! You might be expecting a post about the comic, but alas, I have far more pressing things to talk about this week, dear readers (and in some cases, deer readers). You see, I have stumbled upon a show that speaks to me in deeply profound ways and feels, in certain ways, like a reflection of my life. But, it can be expected since it seems they have a very talented cast working with them that allows people to understand and empathise with the realities of being a bear in the modern world.

When I first saw Rilakkuma and Kaoru on the featured shows on Netflix, I was immediately drawn to the cover art; I feel I have a good sense of when I find cover art that resonates with me, I will tend to like the show. With RIlakkuma, without even knowing that it featured bears as prominent cast members, the lightheartedness of the picture and it being a stop motion show (which I admire and enjoy), caught my attention immediately. After starting to watch it, I had to do everything in my power to ensure I didn't consume the shorts too quickly. I needed the feeling from the show to linger so I could really appreciate it and have some of it fresh for when I felt I needed a new dose.

There is just something special about it...and yes, not just because it has bears! The slow nature of it, the subtle cuteness and softness of the show, the perfectly mundane yet somehow compelling situations feel like a perfect embodiment of Rilakkuma, a bear who enjoys to relax and enjoy himself, that struggles and does what he can. As the show progresses, it feels as if I can feel more relaxed right alongside Rilakkuma and it's made me reflect on just how valuable a show that can do this is. Needless to say I'm in love with Rilakkuma and wish I could own it somehow just because it has two things near and dear to my heart - bears and relaxation. Can anything really be much bearter?

The Town Crier

may 12, 2019