Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

Warp Zone:
Current Comic


I Can See Clearly Now

october 6, 2019

Does this comic tease me about playing 14 too exclusively? Yes. Is it deserved? Well...yes. So I thought, what better way than to commemorate such a comic than with a post talking about the other things that I am enjoying...and yes, maybe that's because I feel a need to be perceived as a little less basic >.> I know it probably won't work, just Let. Me. Have. This.

First off, we're going to start with shows! I had recently finished with a couple of drama/suspense series and I wanted to mention Russian Doll. I've really liked Natasha Lyonne in Orange is the New Black, and when I saw a Netflix show starring her (as Nadia) with an interesting premise, I was immediately interested. I don't recommend watching the trailer, a practice I've learned to stay away from in general, but essentially, think of a Groundhog Day scenario where Nadia is stuck reliving the same day. The way that the plot unfolds is unexpected and the actors deliver a compelling performance that had me engaged through all 8 half-hour episodes. Honestly...fact checking how many eps it was and how long they were for this post made me appreciate just how dense and brisk it was as well.

I wanted to also talk about Altered Carbon, but I'll have to wait on that for another post since I also wanted to mention this game I've been addicted to, Slay the Spire. StS is a deck building roguelike where you choose a character class that has its own unique mechanics and class cards and you try to ascend the tower against some increasingly difficult, mechanically interesting, monster encounters. As you progress, you gain relics which alter your game play as well as new cards you try adding to your deck to find just that right synergy to make it as high in the tower as you can. It's an easy to understand yet hard to master system that feels rewarding regardless of skill and when you do find your footing, it feels exhilarating being able to dish out cards and go through your deck to cut through enemies. The large variety in class and common cards, as well an insane assortment of relics, make each runthrough feel unique. The monotony of the setting and the music was completely irrelevant to the sheer strength of its gameplay.

I Can See Clearly Now

october 6, 2019