Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

Warp Zone:
Current Comic


Scared Shitless

april 11, 2020

There has been a furor around Animal Crossing lately among friends and I couldn't help but want to get sucked into the game as well to share in the excitement. I've never experienced an AC game and it felt like the kind of experience that I needed at this time in my life. Luckily, with the help of Kat, she was able to put her account on our switch and I was able to experience my own island getaway adventure~

It's been really nice and relaxing! At least, it was at first. I was so excited to get started on working on things and my interest quickly started to dissipate at the prospect of logging in every day to check on the inhabitants and do the perfunctory job of shaking trees and farming resources. I got really excited to see my house grow and my village change (omg the museum!!), but the idea of having to check in on a regular basis is something that has always sat poorly with me. Just as I suppose I am a bad real life friend, so too am I a bad animal friend. Both funny and sad coming from a Bear! TT ^ TT

But! Knowing that I could set the days to whatever I want was liberating~ I could just set the date to the day after I played last and everything would be just fine and I wouldn't worry about letting my town go (I like my weeds, okay!!) or upsetting villagers (clingy!!), I could just enjoy the game at my own pace. So knowing that now, I put it down for a short bit to get a breather from the constant playing I was doing earlier. So while everyone is busy hopping forward in time to create mega-posh mansions, I'll be happily traveling back in time and erasing my current self out of existence :D

Scared Shitless

april 11, 2020