Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

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Peachy Picnic

august 15, 2014

As time lurches forward, Pie and I have been circling toward doom with perpetually increasing velocity. The gaping maw of a relentless swirling vortex of addiction that goes by the name Hearthstone has us fully, and we can only submit to fate. Before long, we too will pass the event horizon like so many of our brethren, fully enveloped in the comforting embrace of oblivion. It is only when we accept the inevitable that we can truly be free.

With the introduction of each new quarter in the Naxx adventure, I have become acutely interested in playing, madly obsessed with how to work in the new cards in what I think are interesting builds. I know that there are numerous cookie cutter builds in constructed play because of their overall success, but I've never found it particularly fun or interesting to play a deck that someone else has built. The lessons learned from losses building up experience in order to tweak a silly deck that may still only occasionally win is just so addicting to me. Perhaps I'm just masochistic.

Although Pie has been reluctant to buy the Naxx expansions with her accruing pile of gold, my obsession has been rubbing off on her, getting her into the game even though when she loses she tends to take it much harder than I do. More than just an obsession with Hearthstone, we are increasingly finding ourselves fixated with the Warcraft universe as a whole, particularly WoW, but it has extended everything, really. Though we have blogged about it before, it feels like it is at a fever pitch at this point, further accentuated by the recently released Warlords of Draenor cinematic and preview vid.

I can't help but feel that Blizzard planned on Hearthstone being the WoW content filler between the exceptionally long content drought in WoW. Perhaps it is even more effective than in-game content because it can rekindle interest in players that aren't currently subscribed. One may never know!

Peachy Picnic

august 15, 2014