Video Game Comic and Blog
Video Game Comic and Blog

"A video game comic and blog that would have been awesome and relevant 10 years ago. Maybe." -Famous Website

Warp Zone:
Current Comic

Here we go! -another Final Fantasy 14 related comic! XD I'm always happy and surprised that we keep coming up with these. Hahah Though I sometimes worry about the jokes being too inside-joke-y since they are about a specific game. -Though maybe it's not so bad because FF14 has really grown in popularity over the past year. =) We still just love the game too!~

Bear semi-recently unlocked and has been leveling the Summoner job. Her level is still only around sixty, but she's been really enjoying it. =) It has the kind of play style that she's been missing from Scholar (which she loved) since the FF14 team stripped it of most of its dps abilities at the launch of Shadowbringers. ^^

For a long time, we kept hearing from friends about how fun Summoner is, but never poked our head in to see what all the buzz was about. One of the hiccups about the job we kept hearing about however was how using Bahamut's kinda clunky after summoning him. He can't attack and move at the same time and tends to want to stay by your side; meaning that if you're in a situation in which you need to move around to take care of boss mechanics while he's around, he'll probably end up spending most of his summoned time duration "bumbling about" behind you instead of attacking. XD I guess he's kinda clingy since blowing up enemies and following orders is less important than being by your side, but it's also cute in its own way.